13x18, 16x26, 18x30, 20x30cm
(5x7", 6x10", 7x12", 8x12")
With this embroidery file you can make a wonderful nostalgic Christmas Stocking 2019, all completely in the hoop. No further sewing is required.
The stocking comes with winter fly agarics, the shaft, heel and toe are appliqued and have a gentle edge. So using different fabrics will result in different stockings
It is very stable so that even the bigger and heavier presents will hold well in it. Of course you can just hang it as a wonderful decoration in Christmas time without filling it.
Even the smallest stocking is large enough to put some chocolate or something small in it. In the larger stockings a toy, knitted socks or oranges will find their hiding place.
It looks really great if you make three or even 4 sizes and hang them next to one another.
This design is done completely in the hoop. The only thing that you have to close by hand is the opening for turning.Use your favourite fabrics for these stockings.
How the stockings will look when finished, what their real size is and a lot of samples for the Christmas Stockings 2019 by our testers can be found here.
Here is what you need:
- Fabrics for the stocking and the appliques
- Embroidery thread
- Soft embroidery backing
- 15cm ribbon for the hanger
Difficulty level: | Intermediate |
Hoop Size: | 5x7", 6x10", 7x12", 8x12" |
Style: | In-the-Hoop |
With The Stickbaer you can realize your creative projects faster and easier than ever before. We offer you a selection of high quality embroidery files. Our easy download shopping allows you to download your embroidery files quickly and easily.

2 of 2 reviews
5 out of 5 stars
23 October 2019 09:30
Weihnachtsstiefel 2019
Super ansprechender W-Stiefel. Habe mir einiges angeschaut, jedoch der Stiefel ist richtig schön für meinen Geschmack. Sehr schöne verarbeitung.Guter Preis. Danke
13 December 2021 20:23
Weihnachtsstiefel 2019
Tolle Datei!!! Vielen Dank!
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